
Course Instructors

Here are the course instructors, professionals that after having worked as junior and senior monitors during a whole class graduation and being approved by the Examining Board were then accepted as instructors of our course, in a long-term process of will and dedication in training new Reincarnationist Psychotherapists and Course Instructors. 

See below the ABPR certified professionals:

Adriana Mansur

Alexandre do Prado Freitas

Ana Maria Ruschel

Ângela Miguelina Angelim da Frota

Carolynne Louise Leite Da Silva Cunha

Ceres Angeline Schulz

Daniela Sousa Pereira

Eduardo Ferronato

Elisabeth da Silva Carneiro

Elizabeth Duarte Cavalcante

Elizabeth Mariana Geraldes Sandei

Geli Bringmann

Heloiza Helena da Silva

João Luis Lima Gomes

Josie Corrêa

Laura Bilhalva Laguna

Maria das Dores Síria da Silva

Marlene Araújo Simões

Marlene Klitzke

Mary Pereira do Nascimento

Mauro Kwitko

Maycon Salazar Reidel

Ricardo Ortiz Pollis

Rosemeire Gavião

Sely Terezinha Cardoso

Valdo Fausto de Araújo

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